Compact Dry ETC


Compact Dry is a simple and safe procedure for determining and quantifying microorganisms in foodstuffs, cosmetics and other raw materials, including pharmaceuticals. The ready-to-use Compact Dry chromogenic plates are suitable for both in-process and final product controls.

Enterococcus spp. are found abundantly in the gastrointestinal tract of humans and animals. Therefore, this can be used as an be used as an index of good hygiene and sanitation. The high count of Enterococcus spp. in the environment and food samples means that the food samples means that the company did not comply with proper environmental monitoring. Most species of Enterococcus spp. are considered "low-grade" pathogens, but some are opportunistic and can produce several types of virulence factors with broad resistance against different antibiotics

Matrix: Raw materials, finished products, environmental samples from the food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries, among others.
Tiempo y temperatura de  incubación: Incubate at 37 ± 1 °C for 20 - 24 ± 2 hours with AOAC, at 36 ± 1°C for 24 ± 2 hours with MicroVal 
Presentation: Packs of 4 units
Mode of use:
  1. Remove the cover.
  2. Deposit 1 ml of the sample in the center of the surface of the Compact Dry plate.
  3. The sample is automatically and homogeneously dispersed on the film, and transforms the dry film into a gel in a few seconds.
  4. Replace the cover on the plate. Incubate for the prescribed time.
Weigh the sample
Add the diluent
Homogenize the sample
Removing the plates
Remove the cover
Add 1 Ml of sample
Wait for the sample to be absorbed
Put the plate down
Bring the plate in incubation
Perform reading
Interpretation of results:

The species of Enterococcus form blue/blue-green colonies 1 ~2 mm in diameter The count range is 1 to 300 CFU/plate. 

Storage and shelf life:

Keep at room temperature, from 1 to 30 °C. Shelf life 18 months.
