Compact Dry CFR


Compact Dry es un procedimiento sencillo y seguro para determinar y cuantificar microorganismos en productos alimenticios, cosméticos y otras materias primas, incluidas las farmacéuticas. Las placas CFR cromogénicas de Compact Dry coliformes totales listas para el uso son adecuadas tanto para los controles a realizar durante el proceso como para los del producto final.

Matrix:Raw materials, finished products, environmental samples from the food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries, among others.
Incubation time and temperature:Incubar a 6 a 16 horas (detección) 
MicroVal: 16 – 18 horas (enumeración)
Presentation:40 and 240 plates
Mode of use:
  1. Remove Cover.
  2. Deposit 1 ml of the sample in the center of the surface of the Compact Dry plate.
  3. The sample is automatically and homogeneously dispersed on the film and transforms the dry film into a gel in a few seconds.
  4. Replace the cover on the plate. Incubate for the prescribed time.
Weigh the sample
Add the diluent
Homogenize the sample
Removing the plates
Remove the cover
Add 1 Ml of sample
Wait for the sample to be absorbed
Put the plate down
Bring the plate in incubation
Perform reading
Interpretation of results:

Colinas Azul / Azul- Verde

Storage and shelf life:

Keep at room temperature, from 1 to 30 °C. 18 months shelf life.


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